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2011 MORI SEIKI NZL-2500Y/600

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Product Details


Turning Length 14.56"
Max Swing 26”
Turning Diameter 23.62"
Length Between Centers 24.80"
Max Spindle Speed 4,000 RPM
Bar Capacity 3.1”
Travel X1/X2-Axis 8.8”/6.7”
Travel Z1/Z2-Axis 25.6"25.6”
Travel Y Axis +2.7”/-1.9”
Rapid X/Y/Z 984/590/1181 IPM
Chuck Size 10”
Turret Stations 12 Upper All Live -8 Lower Non Live

Equipped With:
MSX-853 w/ MAPPS IV CNC Control (Mitsubishi)
Tool Presetter
Chip Conveyor
Live Tooling Upper Turret
Chip Blaster High Pressure Coolant Unit

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2011 MORI SEIKI NZL-2500Y/600
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