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2014 DMG MORI DMU 60 eVo Linear

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Product Details


Travels (X/Y/Z/B/C) 23.6”x19.7”/19.7”/-5 to +110/360 Degree
Max Spindle RPM 18,000
Taper HSK-63
Tool Storage Capacity 60
Max Workpiece Size 23.62”x 19.69”
Table Loading Capacity 881.8 LBS
Spindle Drive Motor 46.94/33.53 HP
Torque (40/100% DC) ft/lbs 95.9/64.2
Rapid Traverse X/Y/Z3,149” IPM
Table Max Rotational Speed B/C 2,362.2” IPM
Spindle Nose Distance to Table 4.9”-24.6”
Max Table Turning Speed 1,200 RPM

Equipped With:
Heidenhain iTNC 530 Control
Linear Drive Option
Renishaw Probing
Blum Laser Measuring
Through Spindle Coolant
NC Swivel Rotary Table
Bandpass Filtration Unit
Chip Conveyor
All Available Manuals

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2014 DMG MORI DMU 60 eVo Linear
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